As a digital media artist, it is very important for me to know where new media is going and where it came from. By being aware of the past of new media I can put the future of new media into perspective, see what works and doesn't work, find inspiration, and see how it fits into a larger picture. Knowing about emerging areas of new media is critical for me, and through this course I hope to be able to appreciate these areas on a new level. I will also gain experience in new media through out this course by posting my assignments to a blog and by communicating with my teacher in google wave. In general, coming into a course I never can be sure what to expect from it, all that I know with this one is that I hope to be able to place new media into a larger context, and gain various philosophical and technical perspectives on it. I will also have a chance to put my technical and theoretical knowledge to use in my final project.
For now, I think that a good approach to this course is to explore one area of new media technology each week, and the theory and history behind it. Some topics I would like to discuss include:
- HTML 5 / CSS 2
- Animation fronteirs
- Search Methods/ locating information
- Kindle / Text Readers (I'm using kindle to read my New Media book)
- Flash
- Accessibility / Usability / Human - Media Interaction
- Open source / pirating
- Advertising
- Simulation
- User-generated content
- Video Formats
- Online Identity / Community / Internet Trends
This list is evolving and changing, just as the purpose of the course itself.